Susan Eubanks
Other stamp: French Script; CS: Confetti Tan, Basic
Black, Confetti White; Ink: Basic Black; Other: Watercolor pencils, Blender
pen, Neutral Fibers

Kimm Bennington Thompson
CS: Creamy Caramel, Black, Confetti Cream; Other: Star eyelets, Bleach

Karen Hill
CS: Brocade Blue, Bliss Blue, Barely
Banana; Inks: Brocade Blue, White (craft); Other: White EP, X-Acto
knife, Blue organdy ribbon

Ida Krause
Other stamp: Filigree, CS: Lavender Lace, Basic Black,
Garden Green, US White; Inks: Lavender Lace, Basic Black; Markers: Ballet Blue,
Yoyo Yellow; Other: Lumiere, Spring Green PE, Pastels, Dazzling Diamonds glitter,
Metal cording, Circle punch, Foam mounting tape

Beate Johns
Xyron and Pearl Ex Technique
CS: Basic Black and More Mustard; Inks: StazOn Jet Black, Baroque Burgundy,
Basic Black; Other: Xyron machine, Acetate, Antique Gold PE, Super Russet
PE, Hand brush (Beate inked the brush up with Baroque Burgundy ink and scrubbed it over the
More Mustard CS), Burgundy wide organdy ribbon, Gold cord

Beate Johns
Watercoloring w/Classic Pads Technique
CS: US Vanilla, Baroque Burgundy;
Inks: Versamark, Baroque Burgundy, Creamy Caramel, Forest Foliage;
Other: Gold EP, Gold ribbon, Watercolor brush

Beate Johns
CS: Basic Black, Eggplant Envy and US White;
Inks: Eggplant Envy, More Mustard, Basic Black; Other: Watercolor
brushes, Gold wide organdy ribbon

Connie Babbert
Other stamp: Fresh
Fillers; CS: Close to Cocoa, Glossy White,
More Mustard, Basic Black; Ink: Basic Black; Reinkers for Polished Stone
technique: Close to Cocoa, More Mustard, Encore Gold, Creamy
Caramel; Other: Gold cord, Black Eyelets

Caroline Stender
Other stamp: French Script; CS: Old Olive, Ruby Red, More
Mustard, White; Inks: Old Olive, Ruby Red, More Mustard, Black; Other:
Hemp twine, Brads, Glass beads

Caroline Stender
Other stamp: Harlequin; CS: Naturals Ivory, Old Olive, Ruby
Red, Black; Inks: Black, Ruby Red, Old Olive, More Mustard; Other: Black
gingham ribbon, Button

CS: Confetti White, Old Olive, Kraft; Inks: Close to Cocoa, Basic Black;
Other: Pure Color pencils, Glassy Glaze, Heat gun, Sewing machine, White thread, EE fibers, Old Olive eyelet

Kimm Bennington Thompson
Other stamp:
Poetry; CS: White, Black; Other: Radiant Pearls (for background), Twinkling
H2Os (for
butterflies), Gold EP, Magic Mesh, Triangle eyelets

Caroline Stender

Caroline Stender
Other stamps: Harlequin, Little Hellos; CS: Kraft, Close to
Cocoa, Eggplant Envy; Inks: Eggplant Envy, More Mustard, Old Olive;
Other: Tags, Fibers, Brad

Caroline Stender
Other stamps: Harlequin, Mini Mates; CS: Eggplant Envy, Old
Olive, More Mustard; Inks: Eggplant Envy, Old Olive, More Mustard;
Other: Black gingham ribbon

Laurie Hayes
CS: Kraft, Lovely Lilac, US White; Inks: Old Olive, Lovely Lilac, More Mustard;
Other: X-Acto knife, Pure color pencils, Gold organdy ribbon, Eyelets

Kimm Bennington Thompson
CS: Real Red, Black, White; Other: Twinkling H2Os, Brads, Stippled RP
background sheet, Mounting foam

Kimm Bennington Thompson
Other stamps: Antique Background, Mini Mates; CS: Vanilla, Old Olive,
Ballet Blue; Craft inks: Old Olive, Ballet Blue; Other: Formica tile chip,
Metal edge tag, Cording, Clear EP

Kimm Bennington Thompson
Other stamps: All
Occasions, Antique Background; CS: Vanilla, Black, Old Olive; Craft
inks: White, Ballet Blue, Old Olive; Other: Metal edge tag, Formica chip,
Clear EP, Square Steps punch

Kimm Bennington Thompson
Other stamps: Mini Mates, Beyond the Basics; CS: Black, Red Confetti;
Twinkling H2Os: Interference Green, Interference Blue, Hot Cinnamon

Shari Taylor

Margaret Raburn
Other stamp: French Script; CS: US White, Old Olive, Pretty in Pink;
Inks: Mellow Moss, Pretty in
Pink; Other: Blender pen, Pink narrow organdy
ribbon, X-Acto knife

Shelley Gilbertson
Other stamp: Leaf Prints Wheel; CS: Bliss Blue, Lavender Lace, Ballet Blue,
US White;
Inks: Ballet Blue Ink Cartridge, Basic Black (Craft); Other: Twinkling H2Os, Buttons (Lavender Lace and Ballet Blue), Black

Ida Krause
Other stamps: Yuletide Bits and Borders, AYC I;
CS: US Vanilla, Real Red, Mellow Moss; Ink: Basic Black, Old Olive, Real
Red; Other: Mellow Moss marker, Red-colored pencil, Red organdy ribbon,
Spring Moss grosgrain ribbon