Bobbie Ganley
CS: Real Red, Green Galore, Sassy Designer Series paper; Ink: Basic Black;
Other: Markers, Square punch, Alpha Accent square; Embellishment: Red
grosgrain ribbon

Susanne Moyer

Jenni Reling
CS: Almost Amethyst, Pretty in Pink, Barely Banana, Gable Green;
Inks: Almost Amethyst, Positively Pink, Basic Black; Embellishments:
Eyelets, Organdy ribbon

Kelly Schroeder
CS: US White, Real Red, Lovely Lilac, Radiant White Vellum;
Inks: Lovely Lilac, Basic Black; Markers - Real Red, Lovely Lilac; Other: Write Me a Memory fonts
CD, Glue dot; Embellishments: Bold Brights Fancy Fibers, Red organdy
(Info: Computer-generated words on US White using Carefree font from
WMaM CD; Vellum was colored with LL ink and the brayer and buffed with a tissue until the ink
doesn't rub off.)

Tracy Odom
Other stamps: Soft Swirls, Beyond the Basics; CS: US White, Real Red;
Inks: Real Red, Basic Black; Other: Various pink markers, Heart corner
punch; Embellishment: Non-SU ribbon

Laurie Van Duyne

Tina Huntoon
Other stamp: Simple Sayings II; CS: Lovely Lilac, US White, Vellum;
Ink: Basic Black; Markers: Lovely Lilac, Real Red. Embellishments: Lovely Lilac
eyelets, Font off the computer (First two lines of poem by Jenny Joseph)

Adele Peterman
Other stamp: Smorgasborders; CS: Bordering Blue, Gable Green, Positively
Pink, US White, Basic Black; Ink: Black; Other: Markers; Embellishments:

Jenni Hogan
CS: Ballet Blue, Close to Cocoa; Inks: Black, Ballet Blue,
Lovely Lilac; Other: Pink Passion marker, Blender pen, Sand paper

Barbara Dondero
Other stamps: Around & About, Groovy Lines, AYC II; CS: US White,
Brilliant Blue, Summer Sun, Real Red; Inks: Summer Sun, Brilliant Blue,
Basic Black; Other: 1/16" punch, Lg. Square punch

Leigh O'Brien
CS: More Mustard, Old Olive, Chocolate Chip, Confetti
White; Inks: Chocolate Chip, More Mustard; Other: Sponge Dauber,
Foam Tape, Inkworx tool, Chocolate Chip Marker, Crimper, Sponge, Crystal
Effects (on dog); Embellishment: Natural Hemp

Rita Mann

Dina White

Jodi Kelley
Other stamp: Itty Bitty Backgrounds; CS: Confetti White, Sage Shadow, Ballet Blue, Barely Banana,
Confetti White envelope; Inks: Basic Black, Ballet Blue; Other: Markers
- Barely Banana, Rose Red; Embellishment: Wire

Gala Lutz
Other stamps: Little Shapes; CS: US White, Mauve Mist, Mint
Melody, Barely Banana; Inks: Mauve Mist, Mint Melody, Barely
Banana, Basic Black; Embellishments: Crimper

Emily Giovanni
CS: Positively Pink, Green Galore, US White, Ballet Blue; Other: Markers

Kim MacNutt
Other stamp: Alpha Shadows (hard to see in the scan); CS: Basic Black, Gable Green, White;
Inks: Versamark, Basic Black, Creamy Caramel; Other: Various Twinkling H2Os,
Air Art gun, Basic Black marker; Embellishments: Black eyelash fiber, 1.5" square punch,
1.25" square punch, Dimensionals

Hetty Sanders

Tracey Shaver
Other stamp: AYC III; CS: Positively Pink,
Gable Green, US White; Inks: Versamark, Black; Markers: Gable Green,
Green Galore, Positively Pink; Other: Circle punch, Square punch